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La mejor solución de despacho de taxis

Solución tipo Uber para compartir viajes para taxis y bicicletas

Get In Touch
Our ride sharing apps had combined download of more than 150k so far
Lo que incluye
Aplicación de Conductor de Taxi
  • Solicitudes en tiempo real

  • Información de viaje

  • Resumen de ganancias

  • Compartir disponibilidad

Panel de administración/despachador
  • Gestionar reservas

    Administrar conductores

    Seguimiento en tiempo real

  • Administrar clientes

  • Notificaciones de estado de conducción

Solicitud de cliente
  • Reserva de viajes / Reserva de horarios

  • Seguimiento de conductores

  • Calificaciones y comentarios

  • Referencias

  • Notificaciones


Tested For Scale

Our Best Performing Taxi App has had more than 250k rides in the last five months. without any change in architecture

Multi Lingual Apps

Our apps are tested for multiple Languages allowing you to launch in different countries.

Payment Gateways

Our solution is tested with stripe. However, we can integrate with any regional payment gateway 

Launch Early

Instead of waiting months to launch the app. Launch early and focus on operations

Abstract Linear Background


Pakistans top company with 50k Download

Paper Abstract


Working in Gautemala, Mexico, Belize

Abstract Leaves


Nigerias Top Ride Sharing Company with 100k+ Downloads

Our Happy Clients

Pelham, USA

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